Windows | |
DNS | |
Account Lockouts in Active Directo | |
Windows Sandbox | |
Group Policy | |
DC Replication | |
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Get ------------------GET and Examples------------------------ Get-Command -Name *Get-IIS* Get-Command -Name *IP* Get-Help - update help PowerShell Get-Help Get-NetAdapter -examples Get-NetIPAddress | Out-GridView Get-NetIPConfiguration | Get-NetIPAddress Get-History | Out-GridView Get-Service | Out-GridView Get-Process | Out-GridView Get-Acl C:\temp | Out-GridView Get-Service MSMQ Get-WindowsFeature | Where-Object {$_. installstate -eq "installed"} | Format-List Name,Installstate | more Get-Help Get-Command Get-Service -Name win* | Format-Table -AutoSize Get-Service | Export-csv services.csv Get-Process | Format-List | Out-Host -Paging Get-Process | ConvertTo-Html | Out-File -FilePath PSDrives.html Get-Process | Export-Clixml | Out-File -FilePath PSDrives.xml Get-Process winlogon | Format-List -Property * Get-ScheduledTask Get-Alias cd, dir, ls, man Get-Help -Name Get-Service Get-Service | Select -First 10 | Write-Host Get-Service | Select -First 10 | Write-Output Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq 'Running'} ############################# Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.Starttype -eq "Auto"} ########################################################## Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.Starttype -eq "Auto" -and $_.state -ne 'Stopped'} #################################################################### Get-Service | select -property name,starttype Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.Status -EQ "Running"} Set-Service [service name] -startuptype automatic Get-Command -Verb Export | Select-Object CommandType, Name, Version, Source | Out-File C:\ExportCommands.txt Get-Command -Verb Export | Select-Object CommandType, Name, Version, Source | Out-File C:\ExportCommands.txt -Append Get-Command -Verb Export | Select-Object CommandType, Name, Version, Source | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Path C:\NewFolder\ExportCommands.CSV Get-Process | ForEach-Object ProcessName | |
Active Directory | |
Azure | |
PowerShell Networking Connection:
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Exchange Get-Service | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName -like "Microsoft Exchange *" } | ft Name,Status in order to disable all Exchange Server Services, run following command : Get-Service | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName –like “Microsoft Exchange *” } | Set-Service –StartupType Disable Stopping Exchange Services: Get-Service | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName –like “Microsoft Exchange *” } | Stop-Service Enabling Exchange Services: Get-Service | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName –like “Microsoft Exchange *” } | Set-Service –StartupType Automatic Starting Exchange Services: Get-Service | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName –like “Microsoft Exchange *” } | Start-Service | |
Event like Reboot OR Shutdown | |
ovftool --noSSLVerify "vi://root@esx.hostname.lan/abcd" C:\Temp\abcd.ova Vmware tools : install -y open-vm-tools NFS Multipathing VMware vSphere 6.7 ---------------------------------------------------- While NFS 3 with ESXi does not provide multipathing support, NFS 4.1 supports multiple paths. NFS 3 uses one TCP connection for I/O. As a result, ESXi supports I/O on only one IP address or hostname for the NFS server, and does not support multiple paths. Depending on your network infrastructure and configuration, you can use the network stack to configure multiple connections to the storage targets. In this case, you must have multiple datastores, each datastore using separate network connections between the host and the storage. NFS 4.1 provides multipathing for servers that support the session trunking. When the trunking is available, you can use multiple IP addresses to access a single NFS volume. Client ID trunking is not supported. | |
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NTFS Permission 1- NTFS Permission are cumulative. 2- File Permission override folder permission 3- Deny override other permission More Details below : o NTFS permissions are available only on NTFS volumes and are used to specify which users and groups can access files and folders and what these users can do with the contents of those files or folders. o NTFS folder permissions are Read, Write, List Folder Contents, Read & Execute, Modify, and Full Control. o The NTFS file permissions are Read, Write, Read & Execute, Modify, and Full Control. o Administrators, the owners of files or folders, and users with Full Control permission can assign NTFS permissions to users and groups to control access to files and folders. o NTFS stores an ACL, which contains a list of all user accounts and groups that have been granted access to the file or folder, as well as the type of access that they have been granted, with every file and folder on an NTFS volume. o A user attempting to gain access to a resource must have permission for the type of access that is requested to gain access. o You can assign multiple permissions to a user account by assigning permissions to his or her individual user account and to each group of which the user is a member. o NTFS file permissions take priority over NTFS folder permissions. o A user's effective permissions for a resource are based on the NTFS permissions that you assign to the individual user account and to all of the groups to which the user belongs. | |
More < | |
box Get-TimeZone -ListAvailable Set-TimeZone "Eastern Standard Time" | |
X 2. Determine the Windows uptime status uptime 3. Synchronize the date and time net time /SET 4. Obtain a list of installed software Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product 5. List of Microsoft updates installed Get-HotFix 6. Generate a list of all users wmic userAccount get Name 7. Determine the amount of data storage used wmic logicaldisk get size,freespace,caption dir /s “DirectoryName” | |
Fix Windows 10 Problems Easily System File Checker : sfc /scannow OS Image Repair : dism.exe /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth Check Disk : chkdsk /x /f /r |