
Account Locking out Active Directory
Find Account Lockout Events Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{logname='security'; id=4776} | fl

This command retrieves events related to account lockouts from the Windows Security log. Event ID 4776 indicates attempts to validate credentials for an account.

Event IDs:
4624 - An account was successfully logged on.
4625 - An account failed to log on.
4740 - A user account was locked out.
4776 - The computer attempted to validate the credentials for an account.

For more detailed information on local account logons, use event ID 4624.

Common Error Codes Error Code | Description
0xC0000064 | Incorrect username.
0xC000006A | The username is correct, but not the password.
0xC000006D | A generic logon failure.
0xC000006F | Unauthorized account logon outside authorized hours.
0xC0000070 | Unauthorized logon from a restricted workstation.
0xC0000071 | The user tried to log on with an expired password.
0xC0000072 | Unauthorized logon due to a disabled account.
0xC0000193 | Unauthorized logon due to an expired account.
0xC0000224 | A flag that the user needs to change the password at the next logon.
0xC0000225 | Known Windows bug. Not a risk.
0xC0000234 | Attempted logon with a locked account.
0xC0000371 | The local account storage does not contain information about the specific account.
Enabling Auditing

To track account lockouts, you need to enable auditing for event ID 4740. Follow these steps:

1. Navigate to Computer Configuration -> Security Settings -> Advanced Audit Policy Configuration -> Audit Policies -> Account Management.
2. Enable success and failure for the "Audit User Account Management" policy.

Account Lockout Policy in Active Directory Domain

Review and configure the account lockout policy in the following GPO section:

Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Account Policy > Account Lockout Policy

Example settings:
- Account lockout threshold: 10 invalid logon attempts
- Account lockout duration: 30 minutes
- Reset account lockout counter after: 10 minutes

Find Default Account Lockout Policy Settings Get-ADDefaultDomainPasswordPolicy | select LockoutDuration, LockoutObservationWindow, LockoutThreshold

Use this command to check the default account lockout policy settings on your domain controller.

Check Fine-Grained Password Policy Get-ADUserResultantPasswordPolicy -Identity j.brion | select-object LockoutDuration, LockoutObservationWindow, LockoutThreshold

Use this command to check the resulting lockout policy settings for a specific user if fine-grained password policies are enabled.

Audit Account Lockout Policy

Open the Group Policy Management Console (gpmc.msc) and enable the Audit Account Lockout policy under:

Computer Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Advanced Audit Policy > Logon/Logoff

Additional Commands Get-ADDomain | select PDCEmulator

Use this command to find the PDC Emulator in your domain.

Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USBSTOR\*\* | Select FriendlyName

Retrieves information about the last plugged-in USB devices.

Get-WinEvent -FilterHashTable @{LogName = "Application", "System"; Level=1,2; StartTime=((Get-Date).AddDays(-7))} | Out-GridView

Lists Critical and Error (Level = 1, 2) events from Application and System logs for the past 7 days.

Add-WindowsFeature RSAT-AD-Powershell

Installs the RSAT Active Directory PowerShell module on Windows Server.

Import-Module ActiveDirectory

Imports the Active Directory PowerShell module into your session.